12 results for Pocket Door Hardware & Frame Kits
Pocket frame hardware for 100 lb. single pocket doors with 6'8", 7', or 8' heights.
Pocket frame hardware for 100 lb. single pocket doors with 6'8", 7', or 8' heights. For use with 2" x 6" construction.
Pocket frame hardware for 150 lb. single pocket doors with 6'8", 7', or 8' heights.
Pocket frame hardware for 150 lb. single pocket doors with 6'8", 7', or 8' heights. For use with 2" x 6" construction.
Pocket frame hardware for 250 lb. single pocket doors, 8' tall with 2" x 4" framing.
Pocket frame hardware for 75 lb. single pocket doors, 6'8" with traditional 2" x 4" framing.
Aluminum track hardware for 100 lb. pocket doors.
Aluminum track hardware for 125 lb. pocket doors.
Aluminum track hardware for 150 lb. pocket doors.
Aluminum track hardware for 250 lb. pocket doors.
Aluminum track hardware for 75 lb. pocket doors.
Steel track hardware for 75 lb. pocket doors.